"I Follow Roads" of Knowledge to places and do stuff others miss out on .

4.30.26 Application of the Right of Way Rules.

1. Head On
  • If there is a danger of collision
  • each aircraft shall alter heading to the Right


2. Converging
  • Converging at same altitude, the aircraft which has the other
  • on its right shall give way
  • Except - power driven aircraft shall give way to airships, gliders, balloons
  • or aircraft towing an object
  • Airships must give way to gliders and balloon
  • Gliders give way to balloons, and
  • all aircraft give way to parachutes
3. Overtaking
  • An aircraft which is being overtaken has Right of Way
  • The overtaking aircraft shall,
  • (if the turn is necessary to avoid the other aircraft)
  • alter heading to the Right until it is well clear
4. Taxiing
  • Aircraft taxiing on the movement area
  • shall give way to aircraft landing or taking off
  • 2 aircraft approaching head on, both aircraft shall stop or alter course to the Right
  • 2 aircraft converging, the pilot who has the other to his Right
  • shall give way
5. General
  • Aircraft with Right of Way shall maintain heading and speed,
  • but still need to avoid collision.
  • If giving way, avoid passing over or under, or crossing ahead of other aircraft
  • and consider wake turbulence
  • Anyone aware of an aircraft doing emergency landing or in distress
  • shall give way