
4.32.6 Allowed – Portable Electronic Devices in Flight.

1. Health and wellbeing
  • You are allowed to carry
  • Heart Pacemakers,
  • Electric shavers, Hearing aids
2. Mobile Office
  • Portable voice recorders;
  • Electronic watches
3. Other Devices
  • Any other portable electronic device if;
  • the operator has determined it will not cause
  • interference with  aircraft system or equipment 

4.32.8 Exceptions – Carriage and discharge of firearms on aircraft

1. Firearm
  • Firearm is
  • stowed,
  • disabled AND
  • inaccessible 
2. Permission
  • Aircraft used solely for carrying
  • persons associated with firearm AND 
  • operator permits firearm AND
  • firearm is disabled
3. Livestock on Board
  • Livestock is on board which
  • may need to be immobilised 
4. Hunting
  • Helicopter operations shooting animals on the ground;
  • if firearm is disabled until aircraft is in local area;
  • discharge does not cause a hazard to persons or property
  • the discharge is well away from city town or settlement
5. Police Operations
  • Police may carry firearms
  • on an aircraft provided the
  • Commissioner of Police
  • has obtained approval from the Director
  • PIC must be advised this is happening

4.30.26 Application of the Right of Way Rules.

1. Head On
  • If there is a danger of collision
  • each aircraft shall alter heading to the Right


2. Converging
  • Converging at same altitude, the aircraft which has the other
  • on its right shall give way
  • Except - power driven aircraft shall give way to airships, gliders, balloons
  • or aircraft towing an object
  • Airships must give way to gliders and balloon
  • Gliders give way to balloons, and
  • all aircraft give way to parachutes
3. Overtaking
  • An aircraft which is being overtaken has Right of Way
  • The overtaking aircraft shall,
  • (if the turn is necessary to avoid the other aircraft)
  • alter heading to the Right until it is well clear
4. Taxiing
  • Aircraft taxiing on the movement area
  • shall give way to aircraft landing or taking off
  • 2 aircraft approaching head on, both aircraft shall stop or alter course to the Right
  • 2 aircraft converging, the pilot who has the other to his Right
  • shall give way
5. General
  • Aircraft with Right of Way shall maintain heading and speed,
  • but still need to avoid collision.
  • If giving way, avoid passing over or under, or crossing ahead of other aircraft
  • and consider wake turbulence
  • Anyone aware of an aircraft doing emergency landing or in distress
  • shall give way

4.32.20 Minimum Heights for VFR Flight

1. City, Town, Open air group
  • Do not fly less than
  • 1000 ft above the surface
  • or any obstacle 
  • within a horizontal radius of 600 m
  • from a point immediately below.
2. Other areas / Countryside
  • No less than 500 feet above any obstacle, or structure
  • within a horizontal radius of 150 metres 
  • from the point immediately below
3. Emergencies
  • Do not fly at a height less than
  • that required for an emergency landing 
  • (Excludes  take-off / landing;
  • balked landing and discontinued approach
4. Exceptions
  • For bona fide purpose, but only if flight is
  • performed without hazard 
  • only essential persons on board
  • and not flown at a height lower than that required. 

4.34.2 Met minima for VFR flight in various airspace.

1. Controlled Airspace
  • 2 km horizontally
  • 1000 ft vertically (500ft in CTR)
  • Visibility 8 km 10,000 ft and above
  • 5 km below 10,000 ft
2. Class G - Above 3000 ft AMSL and 1000 ft AGL
  • 2 km horizontally
  • 1000 ft vertically
  • Visibility 5 km below 10,000 ft
  • (8 km above 10,000 ft)
3.Class G - Below 3000 ft AMSL
  • Clear of cloud and
  • in sight of the surface
  • Visibility 5 km

4.34.4 Restrictions and Met Minima for Special VFR Flight

2. SVFR Minima Aeroplane
  • Visibility 1500 m
  • Ceiling 600 ft
  • Beneath the ceiling
  • Day only
  • In any controlled airspace
1. SVFR Conditions
  • Needs to be authorised
  • 2-way radio essential
  • Daylight only
  • Allowed in CTZs & CTAs
  •  600 ft clear of cloud
  • Visibility at least 1500 m
3. SVFR Minima Helicopter
  • Visibility less than 1500 m
  • Ceiling lower than 600 ft
  • Beneath the ceiling / Clear of cloud
  • Avoid collisions
  • Day only 
  • Any controlled airspace

4.82.14 Procedures for Directing a Surface Craft to a Distress Incident

1. Contact
  • Transmitting precise instructions by any means available
  • If such precise instructions cannot be transmitted,
  • they should be given by carrying out the following procedure
    2. Circle
    • Circle the surface craft at least once.
    3. Cross
    • Cross the projected course of the surface craft
    • close ahead at low altitude
    • rocking the aircraft or
    • opening and closing the throttle or
    • changing the propeller pitch.
      4. Direction
      • Head in the direction in which the surface craft is to be directed and
      • Repeat these procedures until the
      • surface craft acknowledges.


        4.82.8 How ATC will verify the transmission of a 7500 Transponder Code.

        1. Controller Verifies 7500
        • Controller will attempt to verify by radio
        • that the code selection is intentional
        2. Reply
        • If  reply is "Affirmative" or if No Reply received,
        • this indicates the aircraft is subjected to unlawful interference.