
4.32.6 Portable electronic devices in flight.

1. Cellphones
  • No-one shall use a cellphone
  • or other portable electronic device
  • which  transmits electromagnetic energy,
  • on any aircraft  operating under IFR.
  • Includes  during an instrument approach or departure procedure
  • or during any other critical phase of flight.
2. Medical / Personal Stuff
  • You are allowed to carry
  • hearing aids, heart pacemakers,
  • electric shavers, portable voice recorders,
  • electronic watches; OR
  • any other device if the operator believes it is safe.

4.30.20 Carrying appropriate aeronautical publications and charts in flight.

1. Aeronautical Charts
  • Aeronautical charts shall be in
  • current and appropriate form and 
  • accessible to every flight crew member
2. Navigation Charts
  • For IFR, every appropriate
  • navigational en route,
  • terminal area,
  • approach, and
  • instrument approach and
  • departure chart 
3. Checklists
  • Aircraft in excess of 5700 kg MCTOW,
  • or having a certificated seating capacity of 10 passenger seats or more,
  • must use a cockpit checklist 

4.30.16 Briefing passengers prior to flight.

1. Compliance
  • Advise passengers of CAA requirement for
  • passengers to comply with Crew
2. Entry / Exit
  • Point out passenger entry doors and emergency exits
3. Emergency Landing/Equipment
  • Procedures for emergency landing, and when carried,
  • location of emergency equipment and
  • use of flotation equipment and oxygen 
4. Trays and Seats
  • Requirements specified in 91.121 (stowage of service equipment eg trays etc) and
  • 91.207 (occupation of seats)
5. Electronic Devices
  • Portable electronic devices
  • if, how, and when they can be used.

4.30.14 Use of oxygen equipment – Pressurised Aircraft.

1. Height
  • Cabin pressure above 10000 ft
2. Supplementary O2
  • Crew members shall use
  • portable oxygen equipment-
  • if need to move from usual station
3. FL 350-410
  • One pilot uses O2 mask that supplies continuously
  • or on-demand when cabin pressure altitude
  • exceeds 13,000 ft 
  • Two pilots to have access to O2 mask  that can supply O2 within 5 secs.
4. FL Above 410
  • One pilot  uses an on-demand O2 mask at all times.
5. Pressurisation failure
  • Each passenger requires supplemental O2
  • during any time that the cabin pressure is above 14,000 ft AMSL,
  • unless the aircraft can descend to below 14,000 ft within 4 minutes. 

4.30.12 Occupation of seats and wearing of restraints.

1. Seats and Restraints
  • Each passenger shall occupy a seat,
  • and fasten their safety belt, 
  • during every take-off and landing and
  • if altitude below 1,000 ft AMSL
2. Turbulence
  • Each passenger shall occupy a seat
  • and fasten their seat-belt
  • when the pilot-in-command considers
  • it necessary for their safety eg. in turbulence.
3. Fresh Air
  • Each passenger must occupy a seat and
  • fasten safety belt,
  • during aerobatic flight
  • and in an open cockpit aircraft. 
5. Exceptions
  • If the PiC is satisfied it is necessary
  • for the passengers' performance
  • of an essential function
  • associated with the purpose of the flight. 
4. Child / Infant
  • Child  under age 4 yrs does not
  • require a separate seat,
  • provided they are held by an adult
  • AND attached by a safety belt
  • to the adults restraint.

4.30.6 State the requirements of a pilot-in-command with respect to the safe operation of an aircraft

1. Aircraft
  • The aircraft shall be airworthy and
  • in a condition for safe flight.
2. Documents
  • Make sure the relevant documents
  • are inspected
3. Pre-Flight
  • Ensure  pre-flight inspection is completed
5. Technical Log
  • Make sure you record any defects in the
  • Technical Log.
4. People on board
  • During the flight, ensure the safe operation
  • and safety of all occupants.

4.26.10 ELT – Exceptions

Exception 1
  • If you are ferrying aircraft
  • to a place where an ELT(AF)
  • is to be installed.
  • No Passengers
Exception 2
  • If you are ferrying to
  • a place where the repairs
  • or replacement can be made
  • No passengers
Exception 3
  • For a period of not more than
  • 7 days if an ELT(S)
  • or PLB is accessible to any person
Exception 4
  • If no more than 1 seat in the aircraft and
  • the  pilot is equipped with an ELT(S) or PLB

4.26.8 Emergency equipment in aircraft with seating capacity for less than 10 passengers.

1. Less than 10 POB ..
  • There is NO requirement for emergency equipment in
  • aircraft with seating capacity for less than 10 passengers.
2. Basic Gear
  • CAR Parts 125/135//363 state
  • each air operator  SHALL ensure
  • an axe, first aid kit and fire extinguisher
  • shall be carried and clearly identified in the aircraft
  • regardless of seat numbers.

4.26.4 Emergency Equipment for Flight over Water.

1. Gliding Distance
  • For  flights over water
  • beyond gliding distance
  • a life preserver is required
  • for each person
2. Beyond 50 NM
  • Enough life-rafts for everyone, 
  • survival locator light,
  • survival kit,
  • at least 1 pyrotechnic signalling device,
  • 1 ELT or PLB.
3. Beyond 200 NM
  • An additional ELT or PLB must be carried.
  • All aircraft over 5700 kg MCTOW
  • must be equipped
  • with both the 50NM and 200NM equipment
  • regardless of performance capabilities
  • with one engine inoperative.